Idioms And Phrases Questions and Answers Part-15

1. To turn the other cheek
a)To sulk and suffer
b) To respond to violence with violence
c) To respond to violence with non-violence
d) To be indifferent to peace overtures

Answer: c
Explanation: To turn the other cheek: to not do anything to hurt someone who has hurt you.

2. To beggars description
a) A poor statement
b) To describe things without care
c) Beyond one's power to describe adequately
d) None of these

Explanation: To beggars description: Defy or outdo any possible description.

3. Tall order
a) Simple
b) Difficult
c) Customary
d) Too much

Answer: b
Explanation:Tall order: task or job that is difficult to carry out.

4.To blaze trail
a) To set on fire
b) To be annoyed
c) To vehemently oppose
d) To initiate work in a movement

Answer: d
Explanation: To blaze trail: Find a new path or method.

5. To keep the ball rolling
a) To earn more and more
b) To work constantly
c) To keep the conversation going
d) To make the best use of

Answer: c
Explanation:To keep the ball rolling: maintain the momentum of an activity.

6. Something up one's sleeve
a) A grand idea
b) A secret plan
c) A profitable plan
d) Something important

Answer: b
Explanation: Something up one's sleeve: To have a secret plan, idea, or advantage that can be utilized if and when it is required.

7. A red letter day
a) An important day
b) An auspicious day
c) A dangerous day
d) An unimportant day

Answer: a
Explanation: A red letter day: any day of special significance or opportunity.

8.To pay one back in the same coin
a) To provoke a person to quarrel
b) To offer another polite attention
c) To retaliate
d) To give a word of encouragement or praise to another

Answer: c
Explanation: To pay one back in the same coin: To seek revenge on someone by treating them in the same negative manner as they treated one.

9. A storm in a teacup
a) Unexpected event
b) A danger signal
c) Much excitement over something trivial
d) A great noise

Answer: c
Explanation: A storm in a teacup: great outrage or excitement about a trivial matter.

10. To blow hot and cold
a) Changing weather
b) To be trustworthy
c) To be inconsistent
d) To be rich and poor frequently

Answer: c
Explanation: To blow hot and cold: alternate inconsistently between two moods, attitudes, or courses of action.