Continuous Pattern Series Questions and Answers Part-5

1. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ bcdbc _ dcabd _ bcdbc _ dc _ bd
a) aaaaa
b) ccccc
c) bbbbb
d) ddddd

Answer: a
Explanation: The series is abcd/bcad/cabd/abcd/bcad/cabd. Clearly, each group consists of letters of the previous group in the order - second, third, first and fourth.

2. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ bccb _ ca _ cca _ baab _ c
a) ababc
b) abcaa
c) accab
d) bacaa

Answer: a
Explanation: The series is aabcc/bbcaa/ccabb/aabcc. Thus, the letters move in a cyclic order and in each group, the middle letter occurs only once.

3. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : _ aaba _ bba _ bba _ abaa _ b
a) aabab
b) ababa
c) baaba
d) bbaba

Answer: a
Explanation: The series is aaab/aabb/abbb/aaab/aabb.

4. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ abbb _ ccccd _ ddccc _ bb _ ba
a) abcda
b) abdbc
c) abdeb
d) abcad

Answer: c
Explanation: The series is aaa/bbbb/cccc/dddd/cccc/bbbb/a.

5. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : ab _ bcbca _ _ c _ bab
a) acbc
b) baaa
c) abcc
d) ccaa

Answer: d
Explanation: The series is abcbc/bcaca/cabab, Thus, the series consists of three sequences. The first sequence begins with a, the second with b, and the third with c. Each sequence consists of a letter followed by the pair of other two letters repeated twice..

6. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : abc _ d _ bc _ d _ b _ cda
a) bacde
b) cdabe
c) dacab
d) decdb

Answer: c
Explanation: The series is abcdd/abccd/abbcd/a.

7. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ c _ abb _ a _ bc _ bc _ ab
a) cbcaaa
b) bcccab
c) bccaac
d) acbabc

Answer: c
Explanation: The series is abccab/bcaabc/abccab.
Thus, the pattern 'abccab/bcaabc' is repeated.

8. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : a _ bc _ c _ abb _ bca _
a) cccbc
b) cbbac
c) accba
d) abbba

Answer: c
Explanation:The series is aabcc/ccabb/bbcaa.

9. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : aa _ aaa _ aaaa _ aaaa_ b
a) baaa
b) bbaa
c) bbbb
d) bbba

Answer: d
Explanation: The series is aab/aaab/aaaab/aaaaab.
Thus, the number of a's increasing by one in the successive sequence,

10. Choose the correct order of the given alternative : XWC _ TS20 _ P12 _ L15K _ P _ GS7
a) 17, F, I, S, T
b) 19, E, L, R, H
c) 21, G, L, N, F
d) 23, H, K, O, H

Answer: d
Explanation: From the alternatives, it is clear that the series can be divided in to 5 groups of four terms each - each group comprising of three letters and a number.
XWC _ /TS20 _/P12 _ L/15K _ P/_ GS7
Observing the above series, we find that each group consists of two consecutive letters and the number represents the position of one of these letters in the English alphabet.
So, 1 st missing term must be the number corresponding to W or X i.e., 23 or 24.