Data Sufficiency Questions and Answers Part-7

1. Question : In a certain code language, '297' means 'tie clip button'. Which number means 'button' in that language ?

Statements :
I. In that language, '926' means 'clip your tie'.
II. In that language, '175' means 'hole and button'.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Neither I nor II is sufficient

Answer: c
Explanation: In given statement and I, the common words are 'tie' and 'clip' and the common codes are '2' and '9'. So, '2' and '9' are the codes for 'tie' and 'clip'. Thus, in the given statement, '7' means 'button'. In given statement and II, the common code word '7' represents the common word 'button'.

2. Question : What is Sumit's position from the right end in a row of children?

Statements :
I. There are 10 children between Sumit and Rajan.
II. Rajan is twentieth from the left end of the row of children.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Neither I nor II is sufficient

Answer: d
Explanation: Clearly, neither the number of children in the row is given nor the position of Sumit relative to Rajan is mentioned in any one of I or II.

3. Question : In a certain code, 'nop al ed' means They like flowers'. Which code word means 'flowers' ?

Statements :
I. 'id nim nop' means 'They are innocent'.
II. 'gob ots al' means 'We like roses'.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Both I and II are sufficient

Answer: d
Explanation: In the given statement and I, the common word is 'They' and the common code word is 'nop'. So, 'nop' is the code for 'They'.
In the given statement and II, the common word is 'like' and the common code word is 'al'. So, 'al' is the code for 'like'.
Thus, in the given statement, 'ed' is the code for 'flowers'.

4. Question : What is the code for 'mangoes' in the code language ?

Statements :
I. In that code language, 'Te Le Pa Na' means 'You eat many mangoes' and 'Le Na Da' means 'You sell mangoes'.
II. In the code language, 'Ge Na Se La Le' means 'They eat bananas and mangoes' and 'Ne De Le La' means 'Who others eat bananas'.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Both I and II are sufficient

Answer: d
Explanation: In 'You eat many mangoes' and 'Who others eat bananas', the common word is 'eat' and the common code word is 'Le'. So, 'Le' means 'eat'.
In 'You eat many mangoes' and 'They eat bananas and mangoes', the common code word 'Le' stands for 'eat'. So, the other common code word 'Na' stands for the other common word i.e. 'mangoes'.

5. Question : In a row of five children A, B, C, D and E, who is standing in the middle ?

Statements :
I. D is to the immediate right of E and B is to the immediate left of E.
II. B is at the extreme left of the row.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Both I and II are sufficient

Answer: d
Explanation: From I, we have the order: B, E, D.
From II, B is at the extreme left of the row.
Thus, considering both I and II, we conclude that among the five children, D is the third and hence the middle child in the row.

6. Question : How is R related to M ?

Statements :
I. M's brother is husband of P.
II. P is mother of R's sister.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Neither I nor II is sufficient

Answer: d
Explanation: From II, we conclude that P is R's mother.
From I, we conclude that M is the brother or sister of P's husband, who is also R's father. Thus, R is either nephew or niece of M.

7. Question : How is M related to N ?

Statements :
I. B is the daughter of M and sister of Q.
II. N is the son of K who is B's grandfather.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Neither I nor II is sufficient

Answer: d
Explanation: From II, we know that N is K's son and K is B's grandfather. Thus, N is the son of B's grandfather i.e. N is either father or uncle of B.
From I, B is the daughter of M. So, M is either father or mother of B.
Clearly, the correct relationship between M and N cannot be deduced.

8. Question : How many girls are taller than Shravan in his class ?

Statements :
I. When students of Shravan's class are ranked in descending order of their heights, Shravan's rank is 17th from the top among all the students and 12th among boys.
II. Shravan's rank from the bottom on the basis of height among boys is 18th and among all students, 29th.
a) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c) Either I or II is sufficient
d) Neither I nor II is sufficient

Answer: a
Explanation: From I, we conclude that there are 16 students and 11 boys taller than Shravan.
This implies that there are 5 girls taller than Shravan.
In II, Shravan's rank from the bottom is mentioned and to ascertain the number of girls taller than him, we need to know his rank from the top for which the number of students in the class is required, which is not given.

9. Question : What is Suman's rank from the top in a class of forty students ?

Statements :
I. Suman is 3 ranks below Deepak from the top.
II. Deepak's rank from the bottom is 23.
III. Suman is 3 ranks above Deepak from the bottom.
a) Any two of the three
b) Only I and II
c) Only II and III
d) Only II and either I or III

Answer: d
Explanation: From II, we conclude that in a class of 40, Deepak ranks 23rd from the bottom i.e. 18th from the top.
From I and II, we find that Suman is 3 ranks below 18th rank from the top i.e. she ranks 21st from the top.
From II and III, we find that Suman is 3 ranks above 23rd rank from the bottom
i.e. she ranks 20th from the bottom or 21st from the top.

10. Question : Five persons - A, B, C, D and E are sitting in a row. Who is sitting in the middle?

Statements :
I. B is between E and C.
II. B is to the right of E.
III. D is between A and E.
a) Only I and II
b) Only II and III
c) Only I and III
d) All I, II and III

Answer: d
Explanation: From I, the order is : E, B, C or C, B, E.
From II, the order is : E, B.
From III, the order is : A, D, E.
Combining the above three, we get the order as : A, D, E, B, C. Clearly, E is sitting in the middle.