Number Series Questions and Answers Part-2

1. Find the missing term 6, 13, 28, 59, ?
a) 111
b) 113
c) 114
d) 122

Answer: d
Explanation: The pattern is x2+1 ,x2+2, x2+3,........
So, missing term=59x2+4=122

2. Find the missing term: 6, 11, 21, 36, 56, ?
a) 42
b) 51
c) 81
d) 91

Answer: c
Explanation: The pattern is +5, +10, +15, +20,........
So, missing term=56+25=81

3. Find the missing term: 3, 7, 23, 95, ?
a) 62
b) 128
c) 479
d) 575

Answer: c
Explanation: The pattern is × 2+1, × 3+2, × 4+3.......
So, missing term= 95 × 5 + 4 = 479

4. Find the missing term: 10, 18, 28, 40, 54, 70, ?
a) 85
b) 86
c) 87
d) 88

Answer: d
Explanation: The pattern is +8, +10, +12, +14,........
So, missing term=70+18=88

5. Find the missing term: 2, 7, 27, 107, 427, ?
a) 1262
b) 1707
c) 4027
d) 4207

Answer: b
Explanation: The pattern is +5, +20, +80, +320
i.e. +(5 × 12 ), +(5 × 22 ), +(5 × 42 ), +(5 × 82 )
So, missing term = 427 + +(5 × 162 ) = 427 +1280 = 1707

6. 70, 71, 76, __, 81, 86, 70, 91. What number should fill the blank?
a) 70
b) 71
c) 80
d) 96

Answer: a
Explanation: In this series, 5 is added to the previous number; the number 70 is inserted as every third number.

7. 8, 43, 11, 41, __, 39, 17. What number should fill in the blank?
a) 8
b) 14
c) 43
d) 44

Answer: b
Explanation: This is a simple alternating addition and subtraction series. The first series begins with 8 and adds 3; the second begins with 43 and subtracts 2.

8. VI, 10, V, 11, __, 12, III. What number should fill the blank?
a) II
b) IV
c) IX
d) 14

Answer: b
Explanation: This is an alternating addition and subtraction series. Roman numbers alternate with Arabic numbers. In the Roman numeral pattern, each number decreases by 1. In the Arabic numeral pattern, each number increases by 1.

9. (1/9), (1/3), 1, ____ , 9. What number should fill the blank?
a) (2/3)
b) 3
c) 6
d) 27

Answer: b
Explanation: This is a multiplication series; each number is 3 times the previous number.

10. 83, 73, 93, 63, __, 93, 43. What number should fill the blank?
a) 33
b) 53
c) 73
d) 93

Answer: b
Explanation: This is a simple subtraction series in which a random number, 93, is interpolated as every third number. In the subtraction series, 10 is subtracted from each number to arrive at the next.