Statement and Argument Questions and Answers Part-4

1. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should all the foreign investment be concentrated only in few States ?

Arguments :
I. No, this goes against the all round economic development of the country.
II. Yes, as most of the States do not have the requisite infrastructure to attract foreign investments.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: b
Explanation: Harmonic development in all States is not possible so second argument is strong.

2. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should there be only one rate of interest for term deposits of varying durations in banks ?

Arguments :
I. No, People will refrain from keeping money for longer duration resulting into reduction of liquidity level of banks.
II. Yes. This will be much simple for the common people and they may be encouraged to keep more money in banks.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: The proposed scheme would discourage people from keeping deposit for longer durations and not draw in more funds. So, only argument I holds.

3. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should the sex determination test during pregnancy be completely banned ?

Arguments :
I. Yes, this leads to indiscriminate female foeticide and eventually will lead to social imbalance.
II. No, people have a right to know about their unborn child.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: Parents indulging in sex determination of their unborn child generally do so as they want to keep only a boy child and do away with girl child. So, argument I hold strong. Also, people have right to know only about the health, development and general well-being of the child before its birth, and not the sex. So, argument II does not hold strong.

4. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should Government close down loss making public sector enterprise ?

Arguments :
I. No. All employees will lose their jobs, security and earning, what would they do.
II. Yes, in a competitive world the rule is survival is of the fittest.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: Closing, down public-sector enterprise ill definitely throw the engaged person out of employment. So, argument I hold strong. also, closing down is no solution for a loss- making enterprise. Rather , its causes of failure should be studied, canalized and the essential reforms implemented. Even if this does not work out, the enterprise may be privatized. So, argument II is vague.

5.Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should all the criminal convicted for committing murder be awarded capital punishment ?

Arguments :
I. Yes, this will be a significant step towards reducing cases of murder in future.
II. No, nobody has the right to take any person's life irrespective the acts of such individuals.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: Argument I is strong because by giving capital punishment to murderers, the cases of murdering will be reduced. Argument II is weak because by doing so there will be increase in such criminal cases day-by-day.

6. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should Indian scientists working abroad be called back to India?

Arguments :
I. Yes. They must serve the motherland first and forget about discoveries, honours, facilities and all.
II. No. We have enough talent; let them stay where they want.

a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: d
Explanation: Clearly, every person must be free to work wherever he wants and no compulsion should be made to confine one to one's own country. So, argument I is vague. However, talented scientists can be of great benefit to the nation and some alternatives as special incentives or better prospects may be made available to them to retain them within their motherland. So, argument II also does not hold.

7. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should we scrap the system of formal education beyond graduation?

Arguments :
I. Yes. It will mean taking employment at an early date.
II. No. It will mean lack of depth of knowledge.

a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: b
Explanation: Clearly, argument I is vague because at present too, many fields are open to all after graduation. However, eliminating the post-graduate courses would abolish higher and specialized studies which lead to understanding things better and deeply. So, argument II is valid.

8. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should there be an upper age limit of 65 years for contesting Parliamentary/ Legislative Assembly elections?

Arguments :
I. Yes. Generally, people above the age of 65 lose their dynamism and will power.
II. No. The life span is so increased that people remain physically and mentally active even up to the age of 80.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: d
Explanation: The age of a person is no criterion for judging his mental capabilities and administrative qualities. So, none of the arguments holds strong.

9. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should new big industries be started in Mumbai?

Arguments :
I. Yes. It will create job opportunities.
II. No. It will further add to the pollution of the city.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: c
Explanation: Opening up of new industries is advantageous in opening more employment avenues, and disadvantageous in that it adds to the pollution. So, either of the arguments holds strong.

10. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should high chimneys be installed in industries?

Arguments :
I. Yes. It reduces pollution at ground level.
II. No. It increases pollution in upper atmosphere.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: Pollution at ground level is the most hazardous in the way of being injurious to human and animal life. So, argument I alone holds.