Statement and Argument Questions and Answers Part-7

1. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should there be compulsory medical examination of both the man and the woman before they marry each other?

Arguments :
I. No. This is an intrusion to the privacy of an individual and hence cannot be tolerated.
II. Yes. This will substantially reduce the risk of giving birth to children with serious ailments.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: b
Explanation: Clearly, such a step would help to prevent the growth of diseases like AIDS. So, only argument II is strong.

2. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should there be a ban on product advertising?

Arguments :
I. No. It is an age of advertising. Unless your advertisement is better than your other competitors, the product will not be sold.
II. Yes. The money spent on advertising is very huge and it inflates the cost of the product.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Both I and II are strong

Answer: d
Explanation: Clearly, it is the advertisement which makes the customer aware of the qualities of the product and leads him to buy it. So, argument I is valid. But at the same time, advertising nowadays has become a costly affair and the expenses on it add to the price of the product. So, argument II also holds strong.

3. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should luxury hotels be banned in India?

Arguments :
I. Yes. They are places from where international criminals operate.
II. No. Affluent foreign tourists will have no place to stay.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: b
Explanation: Clearly, the luxury hotels are a mark of country's standard and a place for staying for the affluent foreign tourists. So, argument II holds. Argument I is not a strong reason because ban on hotels is not a way to do away with the activities of international criminals.

4. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should shifting agriculture be practised?

Arguments :
I. No. It is a wasteful practice.
II. Yes. Modern methods of farming are too expensive.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: Clearly, shifting agriculture is a practice in which a certain crop is grown on a land and when it becomes infertile it is left bare and another piece of land is chosen. Clearly, it is a wasteful practice. So, only argument I holds.

5. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should our country extend generous behaviour and goodwill to our erring and nagging neighbours?

Arguments :
I. Yes. Goodwill always pays dividend.
II. No. Our generous behaviour and goodwill will be considered as our weakness.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Both I and II are strong

Answer: d
Explanation: Clearly, a good behaviour may at some point of time lead to mutual discussions and peaceful settlement of issues in the long run. So, argument I holds strong. However, such behaviour may be mistaken for our weakness and it would be difficult to continue with it if the other country doesn't stop its sinister activities. Hence, II also holds.

6. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should there be only one rate of interest for term deposits of varying durations in banks?

Arguments :
I. No. People will refrain from keeping money for longer duration resulting into reduction of liquidity level of banks.
II. Yes. This will be much simple for the common people and they may be encouraged to keep more money in banks.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: a
Explanation: Clearly, the proposed scheme would discourage people from keeping deposits for longer durations (the rate of interest being the same for short durations) and not draw in more funds. So, only argument I holds.

7. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should all news be controlled by Government in a democracy?

Arguments :
I. Yes. Variety of news only confuses people.
II. No. Controlled news loses credibility.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: b
Explanation: Clearly, the variety of news helps people to develop their own views. So, argument I is vague. Also, controlled news shall be a partial produce. So, it loses credibility Thus, argument II holds.

8. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should taxes on colour television be further increased?

Arguments :
I. Yes, Colour television is a luxury item and only rich people buy them.
II. No, Televisions are bought by the poor too.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: d
Explanation: Clearly, taxes on an item cannot be increased or decreased on the basis of the financial position of the people who buy it. So, both arguments I and II do not hold strong.

9. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should the educated unemployed youth be paid "unemployment allowance" by the Government?

Arguments :
I. Yes. It will provide them some monetary help to either seek employment or to kick-start some 'self-employment' venture.
II. No. It will dampen their urge to do something to earn their livelihood and thus promote idleness among the unemployed youth.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Both I and II are strong

Answer: d
Explanation: Young people, who do not get employment due to the large number of applicants in all fields, must surely be given allowance so that they can support themselves. So, argument I is valid. However, such allowances would mar the spirit to work, in them and make them idle. So, argument II also holds.

10. Directions : Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by two arguments I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a STRONG arguments and which is a WEAK Argument.

Statement : Should higher education be restricted to only those who can bear the expenditure?

Arguments :
I. Yes. Higher education is very costly; hence it should not be given free.
II. No. There are a large number of brilliant students who cannot afford to pay and they should be given higher education.
a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong

Answer: b
Explanation: For the all-round progress of the nation, all the students, especially the talented and intelligent ones, must avail of higher education, even if the government has to pay for it. So, only argument II holds.