Statement and Assumption Questions and Answers Part-6

1. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : A good book, even if costly, is sold.

Assumptions :
I. Some books are better than others.
II. Most of the books are costly.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: The statement talks about a 'good' book. This means that some books may not be good. So, I is implicit. The words 'if costly' show that most books are not costly. So, II is not implicit.

2. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : World Health Organisation has decided to double its assistance to various health programmes in India as per-capita expenditure on health in India is very low compared to many other countries.

Assumptions :
I. The enhanced assistance may substantially increase the per-capita expenditure on health in India and bring it on par with other countries.
II. The Government funding is less than adequate to provide medical facilities in India.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Both I and II are implicit

Answer: d
Explanation: The fact that WHO has extended its assistance to India implies that government funding here is not adequate. So, II is implicit. Besides, WHO has decided to provide assistance to health programmes in India keeping in mind the considerably low per-capita expenditure on health. So, I is also implicit.

3. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : The President assured the people that elections will be held here after every five years,

Assumptions :
I. People are afraid that the elections may not be held at all.
II. People are afraid that the elections may not be held after five years.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: c
Explanation: Clearly, the statement is made to eliminate the fear of the people that the elections may not be held at all or they may not be held after five years. So, either I or II is implicit.

4. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Interview conducted for selecting people for jobs should measure personality characteristics of candidates.

Assumptions :
I. Performance on job depends on personality characteristics.
II. Personality characteristics can be measured in interview.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Both I and II are implicit

Answer: d
Explanation: According to the statement, the personality characteristics of candidates should be essentially measured in interviews before selection for jobs. So, both I and II are implicit.

5. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : A Notice Board at a ticket window: 'Please come in queue.'

Assumptions :
I. Unless instructed people will not form queue.
II. People any way want to purchase tickets.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Both I and II are implicit

Answer: d
Explanation: The instructions have been given so that people willing to buy tickets may not form a crowd. So, I is implicit. Also, it is clear that people would purchase the tickets even after following the given instructions. So, II is also implicit.

6. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Deepak has a large collection of books and he keeps on purchasing new books to add to his collection.

Assumptions :
I. Deepak loves and cares for books.
II. Deepak has read each and every book that he has purchased.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: The statement clearly reflects Deepak's exceptional interest in books. So, I is implicit. However, how many books of his collection he has gone through, cannot be deduced from the statement. Thus, II is not implicit.

7. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : An advertisement in a newspaper - "Wanted unmarried, presentable, matriculate girls between 18 and 21, able to speak fluently in English to be taken as models."

Assumptions :
I. Fluency in English is a pre-requisite for good performance as a model.
II. Height does not matter in performing as a model.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: 'Fluency in English' is a condition mentioned for girls to be taken as models. So, I is implicit. Since nothing is mentioned about the height, so II is not implicit.

8. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : There has been a remarkable increase in the air traffic in India during the past few years.

Assumptions :
I. Travelling by air has become a status symbol now.
II. Large numbers of peoples are able to afford air travel now.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: b
Explanation: The statement indicates that the number of people travelling by air has increased in the recent years. This clearly implies that large number of people can now afford air travel. So, only II is implicit.

9. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : "Blue tie would help us identify our staff from others." - A suggestion in a company.

Assumptions :
I. The company needs to identify its staff.
II. Blue tie is the latest fashion.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: Clearly, the suggestion is given for providing a method of identification. This means that the staff needs to be identified. So, I is implicit. The statement does not mention anything about the fashion. So, II is not implicit.

10. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : A's advice to B - "If you want to study Accounts, join Institute Y."

Assumptions :
I. Institute Y provides good Accounts education.
II. B listens to A's advice.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: Clearly, A advises B to join Y because it provides good Accounts education. So, I is implicit. It is not mentioned whether B listens to A's advice or not. So, II is not implicit.