Statement and Assumption Questions and Answers Part-7

1. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : A's advice to B - "Go to Jammu via Amritsar - the shortest route".

Assumptions :
I. B wishes to go to Jammu.
II. A gives advice to everybody.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: A has advised B the route to Jammu. This means that B wishes to go to Jammu. So, I is implicit. The statement mentions only A's advice to B. So, II is not implicit.

2. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : All existing inequalities can be reduced, if not utterly eradicated, by action of governments or by revolutionary change of government.

Assumptions :
I. Inequality is a man-made phenomenon.
II. No person would voluntarily part with what he possesses.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: Since inequality can be reduced, it means that it is not natural but created. So, I is implicit. Nothing is mentioned about people's response. So, II is not implicit.

3. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : The campaign of 'Keep your city clean' started by the Civil Council did not evoke any response from the citizens.

Assumptions :
I. People do not desire to keep their city clean.
II. The Civil Council has failed in its campaign.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Both I and II are implicit

Answer: d
Explanation: According to the statement, the campaign did not get any response from citizens. This means that people are not interested in keeping the city clean and the campaign has failed. So, both I and II are implicit.

4. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : The district administration has issued a circular to all the farmers under its jurisdiction advising them for not using pesticides indiscriminately as it may pollute the ground water.

Assumptions :
I. People may stop using ground water if the farmers continue to use pesticides indiscriminately.
II. Farmers may refrain from using pesticides indiscriminately.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: b
Explanation: The district administration has issued a circular to make the farmers aware of hazards that indiscriminate use of pesticides poses to ground water and plead them to refrain from the same. So, II is implicit. However, I cannot be assumed from the given statement and so it is not implicit.

5. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : The coffee powder of company X is quite better in taste than the much advertised coffee of company Y.

Assumptions :
I. If your product is not good, your spend more on advertisement.
II. Some people are tempted to buy a product by the advertisement.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: b
Explanation: Since the statement holds the product of company X more superior in quality than that of Y which spends more on advertisement, so I is not implicit. According to the statement, the product of company Y is more known because of more advertisement. So, II is implicit.

6. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Cases of food poisoning due to consumption of liquor are increasing in rural areas.

Assumptions :
I. Percentage of people consuming liquor is more in rural areas.
II. There are many unauthorized spurious liquor shops in the rural areas.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: b
Explanation: The statement talks of number of cases of food poisoning due to consumption of liquor and not of the number of cases consuming liquor. So, I is not implicit. Besides, the statement indicates that people in rural areas are getting spurious or low-grade liquor and no check is being kept on shops selling liquor there. So, II is implicit.

7. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Lack of stimulation in the first four or five years of life can have adverse consequences.

Assumptions :
I. A great part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life.
II. 50 percent of the measurable intelligence at age of 17 is already predictable by the age of four.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: The lacking in first four or five years can be adverse because it is the main period of development. So, I is implicit. Since nothing is mentioned about the predictability of intelligence, II is not implicit.

8. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : The X-Airlines has decided to increase the passenger fare by 15 percent with immediate effect.

Assumptions :
I. The demand for seats of X-Airlines may remain unchanged even after the hike of fare.
II. Other airline companies may also hike the passenger fares
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: Clearly, such decisions are taken only after making sure that it will not affect the company's business adversely. So, I is implicit. However, the impact of this increase on other airlines cannot be ascertained. So, II is not implicit.

9. Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Shalini made an application to the bank for a loan of Rs. 1,80,000 by mortgaging her house to the bank and promised to repay it within five years.

Assumptions :
I. The bank has a practice of granting loans for Rs. 1,00,000 and above.
II. The bank accepts house as collateral security against such loans.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Both I and II are implicit

Answer: d
Explanation: The fact that Shalini has applied for a loan of Rs. 1,80,000 implies that the bank can grant a loan above Rs. 1,00,000. So, I is implicit. II also follows directly from the statement and so is implicit.

10. >Directions : In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :

Statement : Many historians have done more harm than good by distorting truth.

Assumptions :
I. People believe what is reported by the historians.
II. Historians are seldom expected to depict the truth.
a) Only assumption I is implicit
b) Only assumption II is implicit
c) Either I or II is implicit
d) Neither I nor II is implicit

Answer: a
Explanation: The fact that historians have done harm by distorting truth, means that people believe what is reported by the historians. So, I is implicit. II does not follow from the statement and so is not implicit.