1. In sponges, the commonly seen larva are
a) Amphiblastula
b) Parenchymula
c) Planula
d) Both (a) and (b)
Explanation: Both (a) and (b)
2. Digestion in sponges is
a) Intracellular
b) Extracellular
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
Explanation: Digestion in sponges is intracellular.
3. Which of the following is correct about reproduction in sponges ?
a) The mode of asexual reproduction such as gemmule formation, budding and fragmentation.
b) Fertilization is internal
c) Development is indirect
d) All of these
Explanation: All of these
4. Exogenous budding is seen in case of
a) Scypha
b) Euspongia
c) Spongilla
d) Hyalonema
Explanation: Scypha
5. The following characters are related to phylum:
(1) Aquatic, mostly marine
(2) Sessile or free swimming
(3) Radially symmetrical animals
(4) They show polymorphism
a) Porifera
b) Ctenophora
c) Echinodermata
d) Coelenterata
Explanation: Coelenterata
6. Cnidoblast is a characteristic feature of
a) Porifera
b) Coelenterata
c) Ctenophora
d) Arthropoda
Explanation: Coelenterata
7. The first diploblastic animal showing tissue level of organization is
a) Sycon
b) Gorgonia
c) Taenia
d) Locust
Explanation: The first diploblastic animal showing tissue level of organization is Gorgonia.
8. Cnidoblast is used for
a) Anchorage
b) Defense
c) Capture of prey
d) All of these
Explanation: All of these
9. Select the total number of organisms from the following which shows both intra and extra
Physalia, Pleurobrachia, Taenia, Culex, Apis, Neries, Echinus, Salpa, Meandrina, Pennatula,
Doliolum, Catla, Hyla, Adamsia, Gorgonia, Ctenoplana.
a) 6
b) 8
c) 7
d) 10
Explanation: 7
10. Select the correct matching:
a) Petromyzon – Hag fish
b) Echinus – Brittle star
c) Apis – Silkworm
d) Pennatula – Sea pen
Explanation: Pennatula – Sea pen